
Wednesday 27 July 2011

General update

This is my just general update about what going on in my three front so here we go:

To be honest the only game I'm playing at the moment is WoW (level 61 Wooo!) But heres the news. Minecraft 1.8 is on the horizon with notch Blogging this picture So what are your thought? moving on. The WoW servers where down for like hours they other night does anyone know why? because that pretty Messed up like i said in my previous blog.

Music wise - I'm still working on that song with tom its coming along nicely, It will be out by... well we don't know because progress has slowed down lately so there you go. I'll record some guitar for you guys to take a look.

Well like in the music section i'm not doing much since i'm on summer break i want to have well a 'break' so there you go. This is probably the least done out of the three by far.

Thats basically it I know alot of it is still in progress but there you go. I'll try to expand abit more in games. And get that song done. I'm currently learning C# so i will let you know how that goes on.

Hope you enjoyed. This has been KMcraft go do some C++

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