
Saturday 23 July 2011

Late at night V2

This time i'm not on wow. Not even talking to anyone *facepalm*. So i've decided to make blogs still as often but have one main on say.... every friday? i don't know but it will contain every thing such as my week and other goings on in the world. So tell me what you think and what do you think of vlog? i may do some depending on what you guys want.
P.S if you don't care about WoW jsut skip to the end

i was think why don't i tell you abit about my WoW character
 I have 2 well four but to i go on here we go.
A level 56 undead demonology warlock on the realm alonsus .
Do alot of damage because of my companion who hits probably more than me

And A level 58 (nearly) Dranei (probably spelt wrong) Blood Death
Knight on the realm alonsus also i have quite alot of health on this
 then again it is a tanking class so thats probably why. Only opened this yesterday hoping to get this to 60 by the end of the week (with a flying mount or two aswell) So there you have my WoW characters

If you won't to play with me on any of these characters then just comment and i'll happily play

P.S.S if you don't like programming then just skip to the end

I just updated My website recently but because i got templated online it wasn't much effort tbh. The plus to this is that i got the server free some people complained about the server but i thought it was fine so go and check it out you might like it ? i havn't really been doing much programming because i havn't got time but if you want more of it i'll do it some more but until something new comes out then i'm just sticking to other stuff

P.S.S.S if you don't care about music then just skip ahead

In music all i care about is the new red hot chille peppers new album you people heard the new song? its not bad at all here it is:                                                                                                                                                                                              

Its alright i hope theres better songs on they album haha

hope you enjoyed. This has been KMcraft go and Do some late night eating!

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