
Monday 1 August 2011

My week in WoW

So First things first,
I was getting Powered leveled by my guildy thorenzo in
some BC heroics it leveled me about a third of my xp bar so thanks
to him.Much apprecaited.

You know when i was in the dungeon
i didn't relise how much i acctaully caught agro. So ermm ye i

Also thornze lent me 100g to get my flying mount training.
So thanks again to him but the problem is that i don't yet have
Cataclsm so i can't acctaully fly in stormwind but don't worry
i am working on that i may have it by next week.

After the several dungeons i did that night i had a near enough
full inventory which when i disenchant and sell on the
auction house should be about 200g So not bad and with the 10g
repair costs 190g isn't bad for an hours work.

Just a quick gear up-date i recently looted a Shaarde the
greater which i looted from mana tombs i think
it has a 15% drop rate. there is alot more gear but i am to
low level to equipt it all.

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