
Thursday 1 September 2011

Sooooooo been a while

I've not posted a blog for a while i've been busy on holiday, youtube ect ect.
Check out my speed art i posted (while you're there you might aswell sub xD)

Hope you like it!

I also am level 70 on WoW!!!!!!
I have the full PvP gear now also i have some other epics on my armory but i will go into that more on another post

So ye as programming goes PhP is the way foward in my eyes right now, its a server-side scripting launguage (I'm so cool)  so i've been doing that for a while.

Been abit boring lately to be honest, what do you want me to do on this blog?
leave a comment or i'll put a poll in or some shit like that.

So this has been KMcraft. hope you enjoyed craft out.

Tuesday 2 August 2011


Google is a bitch it recently shut down my adsense account for no reason. i lost all the money i had so far the bitches. Sorry for the swearing but i am really annoyed

Monday 1 August 2011

My week in WoW

So First things first,
I was getting Powered leveled by my guildy thorenzo in
some BC heroics it leveled me about a third of my xp bar so thanks
to him.Much apprecaited.

You know when i was in the dungeon
i didn't relise how much i acctaully caught agro. So ermm ye i

Also thornze lent me 100g to get my flying mount training.
So thanks again to him but the problem is that i don't yet have
Cataclsm so i can't acctaully fly in stormwind but don't worry
i am working on that i may have it by next week.

After the several dungeons i did that night i had a near enough
full inventory which when i disenchant and sell on the
auction house should be about 200g So not bad and with the 10g
repair costs 190g isn't bad for an hours work.

Just a quick gear up-date i recently looted a Shaarde the
greater which i looted from mana tombs i think
it has a 15% drop rate. there is alot more gear but i am to
low level to equipt it all.

Saturday 30 July 2011


So i was doing some dungeoneering on WoW (yes not that pile of shit runescape)With these fairly funny guys and somebody picked a dungeon that was two high of a level for them. So we where always dieing BUT with high level dungeon what do you get! Thats right aids, but also Epic loot and i won the roll for this!
Take a look!

Hope you enjoyed, this has been KMcraft Go and get jelous cause you havn't got aids like me!


So i was doing some dungeoneering on WoW (yes not that pile of shit runescape)With these fairly funny guys and somebody picked a dungeon that was two high of a level for them. So we where always dieing BUT with high level dungeon what do you get! Thats right aids, but also Epic loot and i won the roll for this!
Take a look!

Hope you enjoyed, this has been KMcraft Go and get jel

Friday 29 July 2011

My Instruments

Here are my guitars, amp and effects pedal:

Now here is my amp which is a marshall MG100dfx 
Review: It goes without saying that Marshall make some of the best amps arround, solid state, combo or otherwise. This amp is incredably versatile, you can play anything trough this amp and get a decent sound. The amp comes with built in effects, which are very cool, a 12" celestion speaker, clean or overdrive options, and a realy dinky little button which thickens the sound and replicates the same sound as a tube amp. Which is great when you're playing very loud. As for power, this amp will blow you away, 100 watts of pure energy. With this amp I've played in a huge school sports hall to a large theatre and never needed to turn the amp above half way. And even when I was a bit naughty and did dare to turn it up to 10 it was still clear as day. It also comes with a two way footswitch. One switch to change channels. one switch two turn effects on and off. However you cannot turn off the reverb levels with the footswitch. It's a good job the reverb on the amp is lovely to listen to.

This is my Boss ME-70 Effects pedal. Review:

Overall I am in love with this multi effects unit it just rocks in every way. The value for money is amazing because you get Killer amp models create effects and hours of love for just over £200 and the sound quality is better than any other multi effects unit I've tried. If it were stolen or lost within a second you would find me online and purchasing a new one. My favourite feature which I haven't mentioned yet it the phrase looper as you can over dub your sounds as much as you like and it never sounds so cramped or of a poor quality. The only gripes I have is the tacky chorus and that is it. Truely a worthwhile purchase.

This is my Eko master m.4.  Reviews:
Since i couldn't find a reviews i'll just review it my self. I got this for free of a guy who was moving in my street, again i got this for FREE which always makes it better haha. I didn't expect much when i got it but to be honest it completely superised me. I love the tone of this guitar, it is amazing when it comes to blues. It is very heavy but thats not too bad. I use the big amp and effects pedal and it sound very good.

This is a westfield something or other (not actual name).

Its not a bad guitar i don't really use but i would

recomend it for a new comer. Again i can't judge this guitar it could be really good but from lack of playing i don't know.

This is a ibanez artcore ags83b   
I play everything from Chet Atkins to metal. I have been playing over 45 years. This is my fourth guitar, and is my second Ibanez. I also have a Martin acoustic and still have my very first "new" guitar - a Kay, single pickup hollow body. I was thinking about a Schecter C1 Classic, but I like this a bit better for jazz. If someone stole this, well, I know an F-15 strike eagle pilot. I love the sound the best, followed closely by the ease of playing it. The pickguard is absolutely perfectly placed, and I have never seen one done this way. This is not a guitar for metal or wild pitch bending, there are plenty of other great guitars for that. To get such an amazing instrument for only $550 is beyond my expectations, it just goes to show you that there are skilled craftsmen in other countries, not just USA.

So there you have it all my musical thing (except my keyboard but er well) Go take a look at some of them i would recomend it.

Hope you enjoyed. This has Been KMcraft go and do some eating!


Wednesday 27 July 2011

General update

This is my just general update about what going on in my three front so here we go:

To be honest the only game I'm playing at the moment is WoW (level 61 Wooo!) But heres the news. Minecraft 1.8 is on the horizon with notch Blogging this picture So what are your thought? moving on. The WoW servers where down for like hours they other night does anyone know why? because that pretty Messed up like i said in my previous blog.

Music wise - I'm still working on that song with tom its coming along nicely, It will be out by... well we don't know because progress has slowed down lately so there you go. I'll record some guitar for you guys to take a look.

Well like in the music section i'm not doing much since i'm on summer break i want to have well a 'break' so there you go. This is probably the least done out of the three by far.

Thats basically it I know alot of it is still in progress but there you go. I'll try to expand abit more in games. And get that song done. I'm currently learning C# so i will let you know how that goes on.

Hope you enjoyed. This has been KMcraft go do some C++